Editorial Structure
Editors in Chief
Associate Editors
Editorial Board
Aims and scopes
ISSN: 2791 - 7959
Subject Coverage
Publication Ethics
Conference 2025
Conference Themes
Management Committee
Scientific Committee
Local Organising Committee
Important Dates
Location of Conference
Registration Fee
Abstract Online Submissions Process
Abstract Submission Process
Abstract Submission Process
Formatting of Abstracts
Initial Abstracts must not exceed 1 page of A4 (including title, data, figures and references,
300 words minimum
Please use 10-point Arial font, single- spaced and set margins to 1 inch (2.54cm) all around.
Abstracts will be subjected to blind review by a minimum of two referees from the Scientific Committee.
Please include a list of
five keywords
that describe the research just under the title of the paper - to assist the reviewing process.
Include 3 bibliographic references at the bottom of the abstract.
Submission Process
Authors must include the following information in the abstract:
name(s) of (all) author(s).
affiliation(s) of (all) author(s).
email address of (all) author(s).
Submit your paper via the link on the conference website at: